Bigen Brand Ambassador

I have awesome news ladies! I am now a Bigen Brand Ambassador, remember back when I dyed Gram's hair using Bigen and it covered her grey hair amazingly well? If not, go see. Anyway, we've been using Bigen Permanent Hair Color off and on since then and she loves it. Now while I don't actually dye my own hair (I use henna, remember?) I'm responsible for dying my mom and gram's hair regularly so I'll be posting on that, so if you've been dying to dye your own hair stay tuned for product giveaways, reviews, how-to videos, and more!

In the meantime, be sure to check out @BigenHair on Twitter. Plus you might want to friend them on facebook, since they just launched the Bigen Big Apple Sweepstakes, where Bigen is choosing one person plus a friend and offering one of four awesome NYC prize packages. The sweepstakes is running until June 26th so get on it!