If your face and your eyes are small, big thick eyebrows will dominate the whole face. In shaping the goal is to open the view by increasing the space between the eyebrows and upper lash line. In this case, slightly thin your eyebrows and point out their bow, so you can emphasize the eyes. On the other hand, thin eyebrows will look disproportionately on large face. Thicker brows are therefore a better choice, because in the shaping apply "the third golden rule": divide the face into three parts (from the scalp to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and from nose to chin), neat appearance will be achieved if all three parts are in equal height. You have to adjust eyebrows shape to the shape of your face. That way you will emphasize facial features the best.
In general, the face of every woman could be classified into one of six basic types: round, oval, square, heart-shaped, elongated face and a diamond shape. If you have an oval face like Jennifer Aniston and Beyonce, in shaping the eyebrows let your imagination run wild - almost any kind of shape will fit you.

Square face (with a broad forehead and a very prominent jaw bones) like the one Brooke Shields and Katie Holmes have, will look best with gently rounded high arch eyebrows, that will ease the geometric contours of the face.
On the other hand, long face shape, like the face of Sarah Jessica Parker, needs a bit of geometry with an almost completely flat eyebrows and a slight bow toward the outer edge of the face.

Similarly, almost a straight eyebrow line will soften the diamond shape face. Arched eyebrows, sort of a Reese Witherspoon or Christina Hendrix, are a convenient choice for a heart-shaped face. Sharp eyebrows arch, which attract the attention of the eyes and upper face, are ideal for women who need an optical illusion facelift. This format is ideal for people with round face like Cameron Diaz, because it makes it look elongated and thinner.

Similarly, almost a straight eyebrow line will soften the diamond shape face. Arched eyebrows, sort of a Reese Witherspoon or Christina Hendrix, are a convenient choice for a heart-shaped face. Sharp eyebrows arch, which attract the attention of the eyes and upper face, are ideal for women who need an optical illusion facelift. This format is ideal for people with round face like Cameron Diaz, because it makes it look elongated and thinner.